Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Task(7) Problems and solutions of the global warming

Earth can be affected by many natural factors that affect our planet, and the resources contained. I will concentrate on the subject of global warming because it is now the most severe issue that the whole world is facing. This essay will examine some causes and I will suggest some solutions. Finally, I will conclude with my opinion regarding my view of the future.

Let’s first look at the causes. One notable cause is with respect to the greenhouse gases which results from carbon emissions. To clarify, co2 emissions are emitted from the discharge of factories, cars and oil field (Nagel). Another point to take into consideration concerns deforestation. To illustrate, cutting down trees which helps us to provide fresh air and to prevent pollutions by sucking co2 and producing oxygen. One more point worthy of mentioning is with regard to human activities. For instance, on an individual level people use far too much electricity at home. This can be easily seen if we consider individual carbon foot prints.

On the other hand, many solutions can be taken into consideration in order to cut out and fight global warming. First of all, reducing the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, this can be achieved through some steps. For instance, reducing the number of used cars by attempting public transportation. Another solution is to less use electricity and to recycle more products if possible. In addition, “make conserving energy a part of your daily routine in order to reduce burning fossil fuels within daily human activities” (Global Warming Basics). Yet a final solution is to extend the cultivated areas. To illustrate, plant more trees mean create healthy environment. Furthermore, Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which is not a greenhouse gas.

To sum up, global warming is a fatal issue that should taken into consideration and be solute as soon as possible. In my opinion, people should be educated on how to fight global warming. People should change their altitude towards their activities and countries should implement rules to reduce the gas emission from the factories.


Modern city are developing in a diversity of ways as we can see here with respect to the UAE’s cities’. Basically, it’s a unique project that might help a lot to create friendly cities but, it also has positive and negative growth. This essay regards the expected role that modern cities make with respect to climate changes, it also asserts how modern cities minimize their energy consumption and as a result to reduce their carbon emission .finally, it states my opinion regarding the practicality of environmentally friendly cities.
At first, let’s have a look at how modern cities contribute to global warming one important point to consider is with respect buildings. For instance, most buildings in the UAE don’t have spaces between each other so; they don’t provide any shade in addition to poor materials used in construction (Younes 2). Another important point to take into account is with regard transportation. To illustrate, the raises in population led to increase the numbers of cars used. This raises the energy consumption and also emits more carbon dioxide into the air.

Having looked at some contribution, let’s now turn our attention to suggested solutions in to how they can reduce energy used and the carbon emissions. One most important solution is to reduce the carbon dioxide being emitted into the air by transportation. For instance, they will use new technology of public transportation and they will encourage people to use them. Furthermore; they will introduce new ways of transferring people from zone to anther zones. Consequently the quantity of gases discharged into the air will be less. Cool city will use many types of transportation Monorail, Hybridcar, Light rail transit and solar ship for water transportation (Cool cities).
Another point to take into consideration is regarding the climate control. For example, Mr. Hope mentioned that “Abu Dhabi development company Sorouh and Arup ” plan in to their project to circulate seawater underground to cool the pavement , benches and crannies on the exterior of buildings (Hope 2). On the other issue, Mr. Younes stated that using creative architecture in city of 50,000 will cut the energy usage by 50-70 % (Younes 3). additionally, they will create abundance of trees and water to avoid the heat island effects, filtered light rooftops that can reduce the impact of sun’s heat, recycle cool air semi outdoor boulevards and utilizes natural energy such as wind energy (Cool cities).

To sum up, in my personal point of view cool cities is the best idea to reduce carbon emission. However, there are many challenges face the entire project. “Masdar” is making greater plan to create modern cities where people can live in an area that have less-polluted. In my opinion, the above solutions are useful to reduce carbon emission but, I think it is very difficult because the UAE is a producer country especially oil and gas.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Power Point

Global Warming