Thursday, May 7, 2009

Carbon Footprint Task 5

There are various ways to measure our impact on the earth from an environmental standpoint. One of these ways is by way of our carbon footprint. In the following report, I will define what a carbon footprint is, show how a carbon footprint measured, and show how I rank in comparison to others, my country and the worlds as whole and finally I’ll make some suggestions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprints.
Let’s now look at how best to define what is carbon. A carbon footprint is the measurement of our effect on the enviroment in terms of how we influence global warming. In other word “carbon footprint is the sum of all emission of CO2 (carbon dioxide), which were induced by your activities in a given time frame. It relates to the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities which is usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (Time for change 1).
Carbon footprints can be calculated in one of two ways: using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method (more accurate and specific), or it can be restricted to the immediately attributable emissions from energy use of fossil fuels. The first way is to calculate the quantity of emission discharged from production. The second way is by product life cycle. The carbon footprint are different from person to another, because I have my life and every person has own regular life and convinced factor that could affect the footprint in our plant. Consequently it is very difficult to calculate and find an accurate account of the world carbon footprint depends to each person’s energy used in their, life transportation and houses. Although ,it’s difficult to get an accurate calculation still it can help to raise to know how much the life style effects our plant ,therefore they can think carefully at least to reduce from all these effects.
Turn our attention to how my carbon footprint ranking compares vis-à-vis my classmates. We visited two famous site on the website and and we answered all the questions regarding our food, travel, home and stuff in different categories. I registered the lowest a total of 1.475. My classmate zubair recorded a reading of 2.585 and that makes his score the highest. My classmate Sultan coming on the second highest with a reading of 2.235. Coming on the third place Mohammed Khalfan with reading of 2.205. Finally, came Saleh with a reading of 1.7. TheUAE has poor international reputation regarding energy use. It was published in the National Newspaper that” Mohammad al Jawdar, the director of strategy management at the EAD, said Abu Dhabi was unable to provide accurate statistics on environmental matters at present and this was one of the reasons for the country’s poor international reputation”(Todorova 1).
There are some recommendations to reduce your carbon foot print. First point to consider is to use less heat and air conditioning. For example, turn down the heat while you are sleeping at night a way during the day, and keep temperature moderate at all times. Another point is when you driving make sure your car is running efficiently. To clarify, keeping your tires properly inflated can improve your gas mileage by more than 3%. Finally, in the website stated that use the “off” switch is very important to save electricity and reduce carbon footprint by turning off lights when you leave room and remember turn off your Television, video, and any things that related (west 1).
In brief, this report helped me to primarily become more aware of my impact on the environment and take into consideration ways that I can also benefit the environment by becoming a responsible.


Mohamed said...

Jassim wrote an interesting article about the footprint. The article is organized very well and easy to understand.

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