Diamonds are very precious mineral, De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd is the biggest diamond mining company in the world and they mine their diamonds in South Africa. Beside the control two third of the worlds rough diamond trade. Antwerp, India and Tel Aviv main countries for processing diamonds.
Even The Jewish are diamond trader .In the city of Antwerp 80% of the world’s rough diamonds still passed and there are About 1,500 cutters and polishers left after traders a lot of the cutting and polishing to India. India is one of the most important countries for diamonds. 90% of the world’s rough diamonds are cut and polished there and workers are paid 40 cents for each gem they cut and polish. One of the gulf countries, Dubai, has a growing reputation as a diamond hub. The government attracts diamond traders by great deals such as 50 year zero tax holidays. As a result this diamond business grown to be worth nearly £1 billion there.
In the conclusion, diamonds go under many steps to be manufactured in different countries so it’s very expensive and hard to get by everyone.
Works Cited
"Eye on Lebanon." Global eye primary, secondry. Ed. Royal Geographical Society. 25 May 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
The True Price of Diamonds
Lebanon, officially the Republic of Lebanon, is country in Western Asia, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east, and Palestine to the south. Lebanon capital is Beirut which is called Paris of the East . Even Lebanon was mentioned in the bible as the land of the milk and honey. Lebanon are famous of talented singer such as Shakira which is half Lebanese. In this essay i will talk about the history of Lebanon at Lebanon at present.
Lebanon went under many stages in its modern history, such as the tension between Muslims and Christians on 1943 Lebanon gained independence and the christen had all the power. Furthermore, many Palestinians were evicted from Palestine to Lebanon because of the war of Israel. But the presence of Palestinian refugees increased the tension as on 1975 a Christian group attacked a bus and killed all the Palestinians were there. And the action of Palestinians was charged with violence because the wanted revenge and the tension kept increasing. On 1982 the Israel army removed the PLO which is the Palestinian Liberation Organization which led to many dead throughout the fight. These stages harm Lebanon economy and human welfare huge number of people was dead and lots were harmed physically and psychologically.
Lebanon now is one of the best countries for tourism and attracting people all other the world. Lebanese people made some massive changes after the war, It resulted to return the economy, the Opera house has been reconstructed, the agriculture product increases. But unfortunately, the Lebanese still face problems with the Palestinians because they don’t receive any rights and they are treated differently.
To sum up, Lebanon gained independence on 1943 and since then great events was increasing. Now Lebanon is flourished and the Muslims, Christians and people from other religions are living in peace.
"Eye on Lebanon." Global eye primary, secondry. Ed. Royal Geographical Society. 25 May 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Task(7) Problems and solutions of the global warming
Earth can be affected by many natural factors that affect our planet, and the resources contained. I will concentrate on the subject of global warming because it is now the most severe issue that the whole world is facing. This essay will examine some causes and I will suggest some solutions. Finally, I will conclude with my opinion regarding my view of the future.

On the other hand, many solutions can be taken into consideration in order to cut out and fight global warming. First of all, reducing the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, this can be achieved through some steps. For instance, reducing the number of used cars by attempting public transportation. Another solution is to less use electricity and to recycle more products if possible. In addition, “make conserving energy a part of your daily routine in order to reduce burning fossil fuels within daily hum

To sum up, global warming is a fatal issue that should taken into consideration and be solute as soon as possible. In my opinion, people should be educated on how to fight global warming. People should change their altitude towards their activities and countries should implement rules to reduce the gas emission from the factories.
Modern city are developing in a diversity of ways as we can see here with respect to the UAE’s cities’. Basically, it’s a unique project that might help a lot to create friendly cities but, it also has positive and negative growth. This essay regards the expected role that modern cities make with respect to climate changes, it also asserts how modern cities minimize their energy consumption and as a result to reduce their carbon emission .finally, it states my opinion regarding the practicality of environmentally friendly cities.
At first, let’s have a look at how modern cities contribute to global warming one important point to consider is with respect buildings. For instance, most buildings in the UAE don’t have spaces between each other so; they don’t provide any shade in addition to poor materials used in construction (Younes 2). Another important point to take into account is with regard transportation. To illustrate, the raises in population led to increase the numbers of cars used. This raises the energy consumption and also emits more carbon dioxide into the air.
Having looked at some contribution, let’s now turn our attention to suggested solutions in to how they can reduce energy used and the carbon emissions. One most important solution is to reduce the carbon dioxide being emitted into the air by transportation. For instance, they will use new technology of public transportation and they will encourage people to use them. Furthermore; they will introduce new ways of transferring people from zone to anther zones. Consequently the quantity of gases discharged into the air will be less. Cool city will use many types of transportation Monorail, Hybridcar, Light rail transit and solar ship for water transportation (Cool cities).
Another point to take into consideration is regarding the climate control. For example, Mr. Hope mentioned that “Abu Dhabi development company Sorouh and Arup ” plan in to their project to circulate seawater underground to cool the pavement , benches and crannies on the exterior of buildings (Hope 2). On the other issue, Mr. Younes stated that using creative architecture in city of 50,000 will cut the energy usage by 50-70 % (Younes 3). additionally, they will create abundance of trees and water to avoid the heat island effects, filtered light rooftops that can reduce the impact of sun’s heat, recycle cool air semi outdoor boulevards and utilizes natural energy such as wind energy (Cool cities).
To sum up, in my personal point of view cool cities is the best idea to reduce carbon emission. However, there are many challenges face the entire project. “Masdar” is making greater plan to create modern cities where people can live in an area that have less-polluted. In my opinion, the above solutions are useful to reduce carbon emission but, I think it is very difficult because the UAE is a producer country especially oil and gas.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Carbon Footprint Task 5
There are various ways to measure our impact on the earth from an environmental standpoint. One of these ways is by way of our carbon footprint. In the following report, I will define what a carbon footprint is, show how a carbon footprint measured, and show how I rank in comparison to others, my country and the worlds as whole and finally I’ll make some suggestions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprints.
Let’s now look at how best to define what is carbon. A carbon footprint is the measurement of our effect on the enviroment in terms of how we influence global warming. In other word “carbon footprint is the sum of all emission of CO2 (carbon dioxide), which were induced by your activities in a given time frame. It relates to the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities which is usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (Time for change 1).
Carbon footprints can be calculated in one of two ways: using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method (more accurate and specific), or it can be restricted to the immediately attributable emissions from energy use of fossil fuels. The first way is to calculate the quantity of emission discharged from production. The second way is by product life cycle. The carbon footprint are different from person to another, because I have my life and every person has own regular life and convinced factor that could affect the footprint in our plant. Consequently it is very difficult to calculate and find an accurate account of the world carbon footprint depends to each person’s energy used in their, life transportation and houses. Although ,it’s difficult to get an accurate calculation still it can help to raise to know how much the life style effects our plant ,therefore they can think carefully at least to reduce from all these effects.
Turn our attention to how my carbon footprint ranking compares vis-à-vis my classmates. We visited two famous site on the website and and we answered all the questions regarding our food, travel, home and stuff in different categories. I registered the lowest a total of 1.475. My classmate zubair recorded a reading of 2.585 and that makes his score the highest. My classmate Sultan coming on the second highest with a reading of 2.235. Coming on the third place Mohammed Khalfan with reading of 2.205. Finally, came Saleh with a reading of 1.7. TheUAE has poor international reputation regarding energy use. It was published in the National Newspaper that” Mohammad al Jawdar, the director of strategy management at the EAD, said Abu Dhabi was unable to provide accurate statistics on environmental matters at present and this was one of the reasons for the country’s poor international reputation”(Todorova 1).
There are some recommendations to reduce your carbon foot print. First point to consider is to use less heat and air conditioning. For example, turn down the heat while you are sleeping at night a way during the day, and keep temperature moderate at all times. Another point is when you driving make sure your car is running efficiently. To clarify, keeping your tires properly inflated can improve your gas mileage by more than 3%. Finally, in the website stated that use the “off” switch is very important to save electricity and reduce carbon footprint by turning off lights when you leave room and remember turn off your Television, video, and any things that related (west 1).
In brief, this report helped me to primarily become more aware of my impact on the environment and take into consideration ways that I can also benefit the environment by becoming a responsible.
An Inconvenient Truth: Argument Task 4
Many documentaries like An Inconvenient Truth movie, campaign and researches have been made to solve the global warming issue. While several critics praised the movie’s aim, the others haven’t well-liked it. This essay will outline some arguments for and against this movie.
Many people were arguing for the movie. First of all, his points were in the movie’s goal; Al Gore’s presenting the film in a very attractive and had much background. For instance, he presented his argument in an interesting way by adding some jokes and some clips. Furthermore, point it was clear that he did not use his documentary for any political purpose. To illustrates, he was very smart and did not revolve this to political transmit. Helen reviews, stated that Al Gorge’s charts, statistic and scientists studies showed that global warming is not new fact (O’Hara 2).To clarify; they support their opinion by some great climate researchers who says that Al Gore got the right facts
After I mentioned the positive argument lets now turn our attention to some negative points. The first point to mansion is that reviewers believe that he was trying to get some negative points against the republicans. For example, they believe that al Gore’s speech was prepared with some jokes and sarcastic remarks against Bush administration and other Republicans. Another point to consider is that Al Gore took very long stage to tell that a global warming is happening. According to Scott, the film doesn’t appear to be about global warming but it is regarding Al Gorge’s life (Scott 1).
In conclusion it has been established that “An Inconvenient Truth” conveyed the science correctly the world and it could be solved by humans too. It has been a wakeup all call for all people around the world to realize the impacts of their actions and how they contribute to the problem of global warming.
Monday, April 6, 2009
An Inconvenient Truth: Summary
e host, was the vice president of the USA in the Clinton administration. He has been interested in climate change issues since grade school and has continued to take interest in this subject as a politician. In this documentary, he highlights some very important points regarding global warming in his discussion. We will take a look at some of these.
Some very important effects include illustrations of the impact of global warming. He does this by first pointing out the relationship between the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and the corresponding temperature over a 650,000 years period. For example, he indicated some pictures of the ice melted in big Mountain in Africa called Kilimanjaro. He also talked about the increase of the ocean Temperature that guided to many Hurricanes and Tornadoes. To clarify, Florida in US got a very bad hurricane in September 2004 and that called Ivan. Then he focused on the Sea levels which are rising because of the amount of ice melting in the Arctic Sea and ice shelves by 1.5 million km2 during the last forty years. For instance, Ice caps melts as the the temperature of water raise and these can destroyed the ice species. Finally, He also mentioned that many people have died in different parts of the world because of high temperatures and heat waves. For example, the temperature in India raised and about 1400 people died in 2003. The extinction rate of many species is increasing and more than 30 diseases have appeared
To sum up, Al Gore says that although the situation regarding global warming appears dire, he does speak fervently looking forward to the future with hope. His presentation concludes with parting nuggets of practical advice as to how man can play a role in curbing climate change.
Natural can be affected by a diversity of natural facts and that contain some natural disaster such as volcanic explosion, tornados, hurricanes and floods. The Global warming is chosen as center of the following because it is an extremely severe problem facing the world today. In this essay, we will take a look at some causes which have guided to global warming and also consider some effects.
Let’s first look at the causes. One common factor that has escort to an increase in climate change is the emission of huge amount of carbon gases. To illustrate, most of these emissions are from smoke which emitted from the discharge of factories, cars and oil fields. Another point contracting is regarding to the deforestation the green area. To clarify, cutting down trees or burn it by natural which help to get fresh air and to prevent pollutions by sucking co2 and producing oxygen.
Having looked at some causes, let’s turn our attention to some effects. One major factor is respect to polar ice caps. For example, the melting of ice might cause the sea level to rise and will leave the global ecosystem out of balance. Another point worthy of mentioning is in term water worming and more hurricanes. For instance, as the temperature oceans increasing the chance of more frequent and huge hurricanes.
In brief, taking into account all that I have mentioned regarding this issue, controlling this problem it is very difficult and it will need a lot of efforts from humans. I think if we use cars with low CO2 or none we will achieve some of the targets that will help avoiding global warming.